Sri Lanka Sri Krishna Society, Thirukonamalai

Sri Lanka Sri Krishna Society is based in Trincomalee or "Tiru-kona-malai". The meaning of Tirukonamalai is "Lord of the Sacred Hill"; a reference to the town's ancient Koneswaram temple.

Thiru comes from the Tamil for "sacred", Kona means "Lord" or "Chief" in the language while Malai in Tamil means mountain or hill. Another meaning for the word Kona in Tamil is peak, and other definitions for Tirukonamalai include "sacred angular/peaked hill" or "three peaked hill". The town is situated on a hill at the end of a natural land formation that resembles an arc; the temple itself is built on Swami Rock, historically referred to as Kona-ma-malai, a cliff on the peninsula that drops 400 feet (120 metres) directly into the sea.

The Koneswaram Temple.